Xing Fu Xiang Qian Zou

A former banker is released from prison after doing 5 years for corruption. He is trying to get his life together with his aging family.


Former banker, Tong Shuchang, has been in jail for 5 years because of corruption. After his release, he moves in with his father, Tong Guangda. The farmer, Yang Daming, has come to town in search of a wife, but crosses paths with Tong Shuchang and ends up staying in the Tong family house. Shuchang’s parents are worried about his former crimes and furthermore suffer from Alzheimer’s disease. They set off on a sad life, but things turn for the better and among other things, Shuchang begins to work an honest job.


Chinese Title 幸福向前走
Category TV Series
Genre Family, Drama
Director 周耀杰 Zhou Yaojie
Release Year 2012
Status Completed
Duration 45 minutes
Episodes 30
Total Runtime 1350 minutes
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