Zao Kang Zhi Qi

Three girls become best friends in elementary school. They grow up, get married, experience life’s hardships.


In 1997, three unmarried elementary school female teachers become friends through their common thirst for romance. Qianru is married to Suyu who is 6 years younger than herself. Unfortunately, the mother in law often cause trouble in the house. Suyu’s career is going great, so Quanru has become a full-time housewife. Ningyan meets the university teacher, Liping, when searching for love. They marry despite some conflicts, but later begin to experience difficulties understanding each other and divorce.


Chinese Title 糟糠之妻
Category TV Series
Genre Big City, Drama
Director 鄢颇 Yan Po
Release Year 2010
Status Completed
Duration 40 minutes
Episodes 30
Total Runtime 1200 minutes
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